Collection: Woven Baskets

Zulu basket-weaving is a craft that reflects the rich culture and history of the Zulu people. The baskets are made from natural materials that are found in different regions of KwaZulu-Natal, such as ilala palm and ncebe bark. Ilala palm leaves are used to make fine, water-tight baskets that have a cream colour. Ncebe bark is used to make light brown baskets that are not water-tight and are used for storing dry goods. The baskets are also decorated with dyed ilala palm leaves to create colourful patterns and designs.

The Zulu basket-weaving tradition is a valuable art-form that has been passed down from generation to generation. The baskets are handmade with skill and care, and each one is unique in its size, shape, pattern, weave and colour. The baskets are not only functional, but also beautiful and expressive of the Zulu identity and heritage. They are collectable items that showcase the creativity and craftsmanship of the Zulu people.